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Purpose - finding it...losing it then finding it again

Katrina Spinazzola • Nov 12, 2016

What happens when you lose sight of the WHY ??

We all have had days where we just can’t be bothered…we lose the vision of why we get up and do our jobs. The job may be work, personal relationships or our unpaid roles in life.

In times of anxiety and stress - some people dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening - I run - like someone is chasing.

Yesterday I lost the purpose - I forgot why I was doing what I do - no one seemed to be listening and I felt defeat. So today I went running - its nothing special my usual Saturday routine.

I run the same boring track - its risk free - I know each bend and hill and I know how long it will take, how tired I will be and when I will arrive.

Ironically I realised I run to the very spot that was causing me to rethink my purpose.

I am a volunteer on a Board of a not for profit. I am the treasurer - no surprise there. I got the role by default - someone left and there was a need and I like being needed.

When I reach the beach I always stop briefly, recoup, stretch and take breath to continue.

This time I sat on the grassy hill and looked around. I saw a family - Dad in a wetsuit, surfboard on the sand, Mum in her bikini - self consciously tugging at the straps and pulling her rash vest over her non existent baby tummy and 3 small kids. Two of the kids went into the water with Dad - the 12 year old with the baby G Board and the 10 year old girl with her boogie board. The little fella stayed by mum, kicking at the sand in the shallow water. I watched as Dad pushed each child onto wave after wave, praising their efforts. Mum took some happy snaps and knelt down to talk to the youngest child.

I smiled at this beautiful scene but also looked upwards at the storm clouds forming above the shore. You see what this family probably didn't know was that a week ago on this very beach - this very spot - a man in his 70's took his ritual morning swim and never came back. He was a member of the Club that I am a Board member of. He drowned on the beach he loved. I thought of him, his last swim and the little family growing into a life of spending days on this same beach.

I had lost the reason I volunteer my time, I couldn't see why I was offering free services when I was already busy with my business life. I thought the answer was to perhaps focus on my business and delegate the volunteer role to someone else when I thought of the little family I had seen.

Lifesaving - its really 2 words - life and saving - thats what the Club stands for - it is its purpose.

Let’s face it - I am not the person you pick to have around in a life crisis - in the office the girls joke that “my job is to do the panicking” in the event of a crisis. Thats why I stepped up and volunteered my skills - to make a difference and to support the purpose of the organisation. I can’t save lives but I can support a club to empower people who can . Was this little family the people to be protected or perhaps could they be the next generation of lifesavers? I realised that my purpose was to help the club with my financial knowledge so they could help the community ensure they enjoyed all their days at the beach. It is a special privilege I have been given to serve my community.

So I had to think about this in my business - what was my purpose ?

Why do I do what I do ?

Recently I have been taken under the wing of a business mentor - yep, I know, me of all people, who thinks mentors are a really dumb idea. Well I took him on - is how I like to tell it!

He tells me to find my end game …re discover my purpose and re think the WHY. He clarifies the vision and helps me define the purpose - everything I do needs to have a REASON. The reason doesn't have to be good but I have to have one.

So my reasons for my job, my business, my career …in no apparent order

  1. Money - not gonna lie - money buys stuff and I like stuff
  2. Feeling needed - I want to help people in their business - just like nurses want to help sick patients and teachers want to inspire learning in their students - I want to empower business owners around their numbers
  3. Personal satisfaction - the smile I get when a business succeeds is dazzling - it starts at corners of my mouth and is a toothy grin. Its like I have slept with a coat hanger in my mouth.

So how did I find purpose when it seemed I had lost my way ….

  1. I took an ally - I talked to a person who felt the same way - who had the same vision - who felt equally thwarted
  2. I consulted the ‘Boss’ - I talked to the leader - he re focussed me on what is important and what to let go
  3. I thought of my purpose - of who I served - the little family of beachgoers wanting to make sure there was no danger

So given that I am the Boss in my business - how do I do this?

I create a picture in my mind of that family at the beach - I realise that in my business I need to be the person who is the confident dad - relentlessly pushing and encouraging but then the self conscious mum who worries how she looks in a bikini. I need to be the brave kids not scared of the Southern Ocean and willing to give it a try, fall off and get back on. But most of all I need to be the little fella who sits and watches and takes it all in and waits for his turn to shine!

He looks to find help - he admits he needs his mother’s comfort and acknowledgement and is not afraid to take his time in the shallows before he dives in.

So all this reflection was deep and moving - and as I ran back home - this time not feeling like I was being chased - I flicked apple music to shuffle and heard 3 songs

“Dumb Things” Paul Kelly - yep been there

‘Don’t” Ed Sheeran - yep just don’t

“It’s a beautiful day’ U2 - yep it sure is

It’s a beautiful day on the Surfcoast, to re ignite your purpose and re visit the WHY

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